
I am a University of Toronto graduate having studied math and computer science. Some of my current interests are mathematical finance, differential geometry, game theory, and neural networks. Please feel free to reach out to me using any of my links provided at the bottom of the page.

Here is my resume and contact info.

Recent Work

AI Powered Meeting Scheduling App

A first foray into full stack development. I built a meeting scheduling app using React, Django, and SQLite. The app allows logged in users to create and manage meetings. The app suggestes meeting times and uses user feedback to improve its suggestions.

Generating Functions: A Gentle Introduction to a Different Way of Counting

Here are the slides I made for a talk I gave at the 30th Canadian Undergraduate Math conference. I covered the basics of generating functions including examples with applications in combinatorics, number theory, and computer science.

An Analysis of Ensemble Methods for Deep Learning in the Diagnosis of Eye Diseases

I worked on a study of performance of neural network ensemble methods for medical imaging in the application of eye disease. We managed to achieve a 3% improvement over the dataset benchmarks.

Topological Data Analysis

An introductory paper about the applications of topology in studying high dimensional data. The basics of simplicial complexes are covered with the eventual lead up to the nerve theorem

Undergraduate Classes

Here is a list of some of my most memorable or enjoyable classes from my time studying at the University of Toronto.

Computer Science:


About the website

  • This site was created with Hugo with the theme MemE.
  • The website is currently hosted with github pages here.
  • DNS is managed by name.com.